About Me

Hey there, I'm Aditi!

I'm an undergraduate student at Cummins College of Engineering, Pune studying Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and on track to graduate in 2023.

I like technology, problems and using the former to solve the latter. I am driven by the moto "Seek Discomfort" which means I constantly put myself out of my comfort zone and am always eager to discover new perspectives.

Some of my current interests are: Biomedical Electronics, Image Processing, Internet of Things (IOT), meeting new people and participating in triathlons.


MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune

B.Tech- Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
GPA: 9.7/10
  • Department Topper for 3 consecutive years
  • Content head of TechBuzz Club
  • Workshops lead of IEEE Cummins Chapter
  • Captain of swim team

Late P.B Jog Junior College of Science, Pune

Percentage: 82.4%
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Math
  • Computer Science

Vikhe Patil Memorial School, Pune

Percentage: 95.2%
  • CBSE 10th class English topper
  • Rank 3 in National Science Talent Search Exam
  • School Prefect


Portfolio Website

  • A portfolio website to showcase my skills and experiences
  • Used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & Javascript

View Project

Calories Predictor

  • Developed a calories burned predictor based on Garmin fitness watch data with high accuracy using ML algorithm (Regression)
  • Performed acquiring, cleaning and EDA of the unstructured data
  • Used: Python, Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Jupyter Notebooks

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Video Chat Web Application

  • Built a fully functional zoom clone where multiple participants are able connect with each other and have a video conversation as a part of Microsoft Engage 2021
  • Used: HTML, CSS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, WebRTC, Socket.io, PeerJS, UUID

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Automatic Wire Cutting Machine

  • Designed and built Arduino based embedded system which automates cutting of electrical wires based on user's measurement input
  • Used: Arduino, C++, Servo motor, Stepper motor, LEDs, LCD display

View Project


Twintech Control Systems Pvt Ltd Pune

Oct 2020- April 2021
  • Built practical projects that have real industrial applications like Air Quality Index Measurement Gadget, Automatic Wire Cutting Machine
  • Exposure to fundamentals of battery management systems for electric vehicles
  • Worked on PCB design using Eagle CAD and other CAD tools


Programming Languages
Data Science & ML
Web Development
Version Control Systems
IN English IN Hindi IN Marathi FR French JP Japanese

Contact Me

Check this website's source code here